Pool Studio. Achille Armchair, 2021. Courtesy THEOREME EDITIONS
Design bites
3 June 2021
This new series, Design bites, unveil the backstage of contemporary creation. Tackling various topics from personal designer processes to the position of Collectible design on the global design market; these bites offer different views to suit all tastes. Today we talk with David Giroire and Jérôme Bazzocchi founders of THEOREME EDITIONS.
COLLECTIBLE: What do you think collectible design brings compared to other more massively produced pieces?
THEOREME EDITIONS: Collectible design brings plenty different things depending on who the beholder is, whether it is the designer, the artisan, the gallerist, or the collector. Collectible obviously bring the idea of worth, through beauty, craftsmanship, design, monetary value… each one finds its own uniqueness in the piece he/she collects. The difference with some more massively produced pieces is not only the rarity but also the craftsmanship, the quality attached to it and a unique work which is close to the likes of art pieces. The feeling of producing, offering, owning something exclusive and special, one of a kind is added value compared to pieces which can be found in every other corner. Furthermore, the story and history such a piece carries along is exclusive like everything around it.
“The feeling of producing, offering, owning something exclusive and special, one of a kind is added value compared to pieces which can be found in every other corner. ”
C: What is your opinion on 3D designs and renderings compared to other more traditional ways of presenting design? How do you foresee evolutions in that domain: do you think it is a perenne practice or an ephemeral one that reflects our needs for escapism and imaginary spaces?
TE: It is impossible to replace the sensation of feeling comfort, touching materials, seeing proportions of a handcraft piece in a physical space and it is necessary to keep more traditional ways of presenting design; at least for the social aspect of it, if nothing else.
Nevertheless, digital has been the way forward for years and the current situation has fast-tracked it. 3D designs and renderings have been a solution for designers, artisans, collectors, clients, architects who could not physically travel to see pieces. It allows projection and materialization of a vision, leading to creation, production, sales… furthermore in a society where transnational movements and social gatherings are limited. Even if our communities will come to reunite again, we see in art, real estate, or luxury fashion the development of NFTs with excessive amounts of money at stake warranting that the digital practice is taking some grounds and developing even further.
C: A book you recently read that inspire you
TE: In Praise of Shadows written by Japanese author and novelist Jun'ichirō Tanizaki. This magnificent essay explores Japanese aesthetics and compares the use of light and darkness in the Western and Asian cultures. A book full of poetry and wisdom.
Francesco Balzano. Constantin Stool, 2020. Courtesy THEOREME EDITIONS
Joris Poggioli. Totem Bookshelf, 2019. Courtesy THEOREME EDITIONS
THEOREME EDITIONS is a French maison d’edition founded by David Giroire and Jérôme Bazzocchi, aiming to be the voice of a generation of creatives who are particularly attentive to the savoir-faire, choice of materials, and narrative dimension of their work.
THEOREME EDITIONS @ Joyce Gallery, 2019 © Brice Chatenoud
Through pieces that are sculptural, referential, inspiring, attractive and poetic, THEOREME EDITIONS communicates a strong and refreshing aesthetic, delivering a subtle and exacting vision of contemporary design.
Design bites
3 June 2021
Pool Studio. Achille Armchair, 2021. Courtesy THEOREME EDITIONS
This new series, Design bites, unveil the backstage of contemporary creation. Tackling various topics from personal designer processes to the position of Collectible design on the global design market; these bites offer different views to suit all tastes. Today we talk with David Giroire and Jérôme Bazzocchi founders of THEOREME EDITIONS.
COLLECTIBLE: What do you think collectible design brings compared to other more massively produced pieces?
THEOREME EDITIONS: Collectible design brings plenty different things depending on who the beholder is, whether it is the designer, the artisan, the gallerist, or the collector. Collectible obviously bring the idea of worth, through beauty, craftsmanship, design, monetary value… each one finds its own uniqueness in the piece he/she collects. The difference with some more massively produced pieces is not only the rarity but also the craftsmanship, the quality attached to it and a unique work which is close to the likes of art pieces. The feeling of producing, offering, owning something exclusive and special, one of a kind is added value compared to pieces which can be found in every other corner. Furthermore, the story and history such a piece carries along is exclusive like everything around it.
“The feeling of producing, offering, owning something exclusive and special, one of a kind is added value compared to pieces which can be found in every other corner. ”
C: What is your opinion on 3D designs and renderings compared to other more traditional ways of presenting design? How do you foresee evolutions in that domain: do you think it is a perenne practice or an ephemeral one that reflects our needs for escapism and imaginary spaces?
TE: It is impossible to replace the sensation of feeling comfort, touching materials, seeing proportions of a handcraft piece in a physical space and it is necessary to keep more traditional ways of presenting design; at least for the social aspect of it, if nothing else.
Nevertheless, digital has been the way forward for years and the current situation has fast-tracked it. 3D designs and renderings have been a solution for designers, artisans, collectors, clients, architects who could not physically travel to see pieces. It allows projection and materialization of a vision, leading to creation, production, sales… furthermore in a society where transnational movements and social gatherings are limited. Even if our communities will come to reunite again, we see in art, real estate, or luxury fashion the development of NFTs with excessive amounts of money at stake warranting that the digital practice is taking some grounds and developing even further.
C: A book you recently read that inspire you
TE: In Praise of Shadows written by Japanese author and novelist Jun'ichirō Tanizaki. This magnificent essay explores Japanese aesthetics and compares the use of light and darkness in the Western and Asian cultures. A book full of poetry and wisdom.
Francesco Balzano. Constantin Stool, 2020. Courtesy THEOREME EDITIONS
Joris Poggioli. Totem Bookshelf, 2019. Courtesy THEOREME EDITIONS
THEOREME EDITIONS is a French maison d’edition founded by David Giroire and Jérôme Bazzocchi, aiming to be the voice of a generation of creatives who are particularly attentive to the savoir-faire, choice of materials, and narrative dimension of their work.
THEOREME EDITIONS @ Joyce Gallery, 2019 © Brice Chatenoud
Through pieces that are sculptural, referential, inspiring, attractive and poetic, THEOREME EDITIONS communicates a strong and refreshing aesthetic, delivering a subtle and exacting vision of contemporary design.
Website by Chris Bonnet - notime.nolife.lpdls.com
Contact info@collectible.design
© 2023 Collectible
Website by Chris Bonnet - notime.nolife.lpdls.com