5—8 September
Water Street Projects WSA
New York
St Vincents by Michael Hilal at COLLECTIBLE New York 2024 © Jonathan Hökklo
Max Radford Gallery at COLLECTIBLE New York 2024 © Simon Leung
Willett at COLLECTIBLE New York 2024 © Simon Leung
Fashion Section at COLLECTIBLE New York 2024 © Simon Leung
Umberto Studio at COLLECTIBLE New York 2024 © Simon Leung
Of the cloth at COLLECTIBLE New York 2024 © Simon Leung
— 1st edition
COLLECTIBLE’s inaugural edition in New York was held from September, 5 to 8 2024 at Water Street Projects WSA, welcoming 118 exhibitors from 25 countries and thousands of visitors including world-class collectors, representatives from major cultural institutions, and renowned journalists, as well as design, architecture and art professionals and aficionados.
AALVO Gallery (Brazil)
Abby Modell Contemporary Art Glass (United States)
Casa AnKan (United States)
Dutch Invertuals (The Netherlands)
Emma Scully Gallery (United States)
French Cliché (France)
Genos (Italy)
GUSCH Düsseldorf & Cour (Germany/Belgium)
Ketabi Bourdet (France)
Lyle Gallery (United States)
Mastrangelo (United States)
Max Radford Gallery (United Kingdom)
Of The Cloth (United States)
Otras Formas (United States)
Room 57 Gallery (United States)
Sonian (Belgium)
St. Vincents x Michael Hilal (Belgium/United States)
Tuleste Factory (United States)
Verre d’Onge/Clara Jorisch (Canada)
Analog Glass (Germany)
ColAAb (France)
Manifold (United States)
Silenceplease (United States)
Studio S II (United States)
Yuxuan Huang/Jesse Groom (United States)
Anna Jožová (Czech Republic)
Atelier de Troupe (France)
Atelier Fomenta x Fusion f. (Canada)
Bottega Ursic (Poland)
DERZOST (Germany)
Eero Moss (Romania)
Elis Monsport (Czech Republic)
frill furniture (Israel)
Jack Simonds Studio (United States)
Joseph Algieri (United States)
KAMEH (United Arab Emirates)
Lucie Claudia Podrabska (Portugal)
MODU Studio (United States)
SKNYPL (United Kingdom)
Sofia Elias Studio (Mexico)
Studio Intervallo (Italy)
Tarek Dada (Lebanon)
The Vernacular Modern (India)
Tokio. (Slovenia)
unown (United States)
Willett (United States)
Amalgame Studio (The Netherlands/Mexico)
AtMa inc. (Japan)
Bloomstein Industrial (United States)
Conie Vallese & Jaye Kim (United States)
Crina Arghirescu Architecture (United States)
Charlap Hyman & Herrero (United States)
Devin Wilde (United States)
ERM Studio (Mexico)
Florence Provencher (Canada)
Hyungjun Lee (South Korea)
Kiki Goti Studio (United States)
Kouros Maghsoudi (United States)
Luna Paiva (Spain)
M’ama edizioni (Italy)
Marquel Williams (United States)
Mehdi Dakhli (France)
Merve Kahraman Design (United States)
Nathalie Van der Massen (Belgium)
Nick Poe (United States)
Panorammma (Mexico)
Samindaman (United States)
Sophie Wahlquist (Spain)
Studio Céline Salomon (France)
Studio Marte Mei (The Netherlands)
Studio Musa (Italy)
StudioDanielK (Italy)
TANG BADHAM (United States)
Tino Seubert (United Kingdom)
Caleb Ferris (United States)
Emily Thurman (United States)
Fefo Studio and Kamilia Csegzi (United States)
GARZA (Mexico)
GOLEM (France)
Kouros Maghsoudi (United States)
NJ Roseti (United States)
Studio NAWA (United States)
H.Bigeleisen (United States)
Laura Dominici + Basil Schu (Austria)
Mimi (Canada)
MUHLY x Plants & Spaces (United States)
Young Projects (United States)
Tuleste Factory (United States)
AMCA OVAL (France)
Céline Salomon (France)
Chuch Estudio (Mexico)
House of Rubber (The Netherlands)
Jonas Lutz (The Netherlands)
Marike Andeweg (The Netherlands)
Nicholas Devlin (United States)
OK KIM (South Korea)
TANG BADHAM (United States)
ARK Journals (United States)
ERRIA (United States)
Female Design Council - Luam Melake and Mia Wright-Ross (United States)
Petra Hardware x Sight Unseen (United States)
Vide Books (The Netherlands)
Website by Chris Bonnet - notime.nolife.lpdls.com
Contact info@collectible.design
© 2023 Collectible
Website by Chris Bonnet - notime.nolife.lpdls.com